Brandi Syas, | Co-founder

Brandi Syas is a Health and Wellness Coach who specializes in Holistic Nutrition and Self Love. Her wellness coaching is built on the foundation of self love which includes practical tips and techniques improve nutrition, mindfulness, emotional management and overall life balance.
She began her journey in health and wellness by studying holistic nutrition to combat her personal health challenges and improve her overall health and well-being. Through her research and studies, Brandi learned the importance of a good nutrition plan, eating intuitively and emotional wellness. Brandi’s passion is to assist others to increase their quality of life, improve their energy level and live their life to the fullest.
She coaches her clients to live a healthier lifestyle by helping them to identify food and lifestyle choices that works best for them.

Trekessa Syas is a Registered Nurse, Wellness Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor and Holistic Practitioner who encompasses the mind, body and soul when defining wellness.
Upon reaching a stagnant period in her life and recognizing that there were alternative methods to improve her life, Trekessa began her journey of searching and studying with the aspiration to achIeve a truly happy, healthy and holistic lifestyle. Throughout her study she discovered that internal balance and harmony allowed her to tap into her divine self and connect with her divine purpose. The foundation of her practice is based upon the power of internal self love, authenticity and transformation being the keys to spiritual, emotional, mental, financial and personal freedom.
An experience working with Trekessa honors meditation and mindfulness; energy flow by honoring the importance of the breath through movement and yoga; conscious self acceptance acknowledging empowering and disempowering beliefs as well as self- sabotaging effects of the ego. Setting personal goals to Be100 for yourself, your family and your community mind, body and soul.